There are five players still to be added. The final 46 –in their two teams of the Australian Schoolboys and the Australian Schools Barbarians will be announced on August 21st.

The two teams will then assemble in Brisbane on September 24th to play games with New Zealand and Tongan Schools.

Monday 1st October at Tennyson–Terrace grounds–Australia v Tonga–Barbarians v NZ

Saturday  6th October at Ballynore–Australia v NZ and Barbarians v Tonga

On Sunday 7th October a squad of 27 players will be announced to tour the UK in November / December.

The CAS students selected, in alphabetical order are–

Lachlan Dring Barker College
Billy Pollard Barker College
Luke Reimer Barker College
David Tejcek Barker College
Tane Edmed Trinity Grammar School
Lachlan Ilias Trinity Grammar School
Thomas Lambert Trinity Grammar School
Luca Moretti Waverley College